615-441-2830 or (800) 903-8247Monday thru Friday 7:30am – 4:30pm

Greater Dickson Gas Authority is proud to announce its NEW CNG station!

Compressed Natural Gas is the newest way to harness the power of natural gas to fuel your own car. By doing so, you have unlocked a new source of cleaner, cheaper, and safer energy!

Curious about what CNG is? Click here to find out!

Meet Mark O’Neal, Our General Manager
Meet Mark O’Neal, Our General Manager

Welcome to our website! We hope that you will easily find the information you're searching for. If not, please do not hesitate to contact us today! Thank you for your business.

Contact Information:

Greater Dickson Gas Authority
605 East Walnut Street
Dickson Tennessee 37055
Fax 615-441-2845
Toll-Free 1-800-903-8247
Emergency Number 24 hours – (615) 441-2830
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

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New Control Station Roof
Ditchline for the Compressor-to-Fuel Station Pipeline
Control Station
Ready to put on the roof
Finished Fuel Canopy
A Proud Canopy Crew
Pressure Test
Fuel Station Canopy, Going Up
Compressor Station, Halfway There
Control Station, Halfway There
Building up the Control Station
Placing the Storage Tank
Control Station Foundation
Preparing for the Storage Tanks
Compressor Station Foundation
Compressor Station Lines
Beginnings of a Control Station
Foundation of Canopy
Dispenser Lines
Natural Gas Storage
CNG Truck
One of GDGA's new CNG powered trucks!
Trench Excavation
Compressed Natural Gas: Fuel of the Future
Beautiful Sunset over our New CNG Station
Finished Canopy
Transfer Truck Refueling with CNG